What caused this?

CF is one of the most common genetic (inherited, hereditary) disorders predominantly found in the Caucasian population. People who carry one CF gene mutation do not have CF. But not all gene carriers can be identified. Research to develop a test for all carriers is ongoing.

Every person with CF was born with CF. It is a genetic disease that starts at conception. The age when symptoms start, type of symptoms and the severity of the disease vary. In most people, the lungs are the most affected part of the body; in others, the digestive system may be affected the most.


The gene that causes CF was identified in 1989. Genes are the main units of heredity. Genes have small building blocks called base pairs. The gene that causes CF has a mutation or change in the genetic material, causing an exchange or loss of a building block. Since 1989, more than 2000 different mutations of the CF gene have been found, and new ones are still being found. Scientists are studying the effects of the different CF gene mutations.

Finding the CF gene has helped us learn how and why this gene causes CF. That information has led to research on new ways to treat CF.